The Inspection

1. Your call

The inspection process begins with your phone call. Our investigation starts with short questionnaire in order to learn as much as possible prior to arrival. 

Please see our questionnaire here.

2. Background search

2.We conduct a general background investigation of the prospective neighborhood/area. We will look at the age, style, and condition of the surrounding homes as well as the age of the local municipal utilities. 

3.Before the Inspection

3.Upon arrival we will review the inspection process and the standards of practice to which all our inspections are preformed. 

We follow a standard process in every home which ensures no component is overlooked. 

4.The Exterior Inspection

The physical investigation begins with the exterior. At this point our inspector will begin examining all visual components from the roof complete to the grading around the home. 

Once the inspector has completed their analysis they will walk you through all of the deficiencies found and review any questions you may have regarding the exterior.

5.The Interior Inspection

The interior inspection begins by documenting the fixed appliances and the electrical system and capacity of the home.Working meticulously we cover all accessible areas from the basement to the attic.

Once the interior inspection is completed we will go over all deficiencies that are found as well explain how the various systems affect you. 

Our purpose is for you to be educated, and feel comfortable with the home and it's systems. 

6.The Inspection Report

The inspection report will outline all deficiencies discovered at the time of inspection. We will provide you a .PDF file within 24 hours of the inspection. 

The report should be reviewed carefully. We encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns immediately.